Friday, August 8, 2008

Seeing Babies...

Today my BFF had her little boy. I think she may have been afraid to call and tell me because she didn't want to hurt my feelings, but even though I have insurmountable sadness for my losses I am ecstatic for her and her family. When people have miscarriages, I don't think they loath everyone who has babies, just the people who really shouldn't IE: drug-users, idiots, who abuse children, and the asshole parents at Wal-Mart that are in desperate need of parenting skills. Seeing that little boy tomorrow will no doubt remind me of my loss, but at some point I am going to have to get used to the thought that I may never be in that position and I think that I will want to be around supportive friends to do that. I know I will my visit will be short and I know afterwards that I will cry, but I think that seeing them so happy will restore a little hope in my world right now.

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