Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today was our big appointment day and though I was nervous, it was incredibly relieving to talk with the specialist... 38 different test will be performed on me (actually my blood) on the 3rd day of my next period. Tony will have a blood test done as well... The doctor did not mention weight or lifestyle... He simply said, I want to help you have a baby... What a relief... He also said to start trying again...

Counseling is still awkward, but it might be something I consider sticking with... At least Tony won't have to deal with me venting to him...

Job... Crazy... Thanksgiving break is close... Can't wait!

School... Psycho, racist, professor... One more weekend of her bullshit...

Home... Messy... Roommate will be departing after the holidays...

Tony... Gone to Deer (Beer) camp this weekend...

I should be getting ready to have a baby... If my first pregnancy would have worked out, I would be delivering this weekend... or perhaps the little one would already be here...

1 comment:

Naomi said...

First of all, I'm sorry about this impending weekend (my was at the beginning of November & it was a sad day).

Second, congratulations on getting the testing and hopefully this will give you the answers to the "unknown". Best wishes and happy making baby making ahead.

Have a great turkey day and know that you are headed on the right path.
