Sunday, November 23, 2008

One Day... Two Posts...

You get two posts today...
So my husband went to beer camp this weekend and lets just say that I was less than trilled that I had to spend today by myself... Without him... But anyway... I made plans with my mom to go to Ikea to get away and to have someone to be with today... So this morning I got up extra early to do my normal Sunday housework because I knew I was going to be gone all day and would not have a chance to get it done later... Plus since Tony volunteered me to do Thanksgiving for his family, I thought I'd get a start to make my week less hellish...

I cleaned the kitchen... Scrubbed the microwave... Swept the floors... Dusted... Scrubbed the burn shit off the stove... Folded all of the laundry... Cleaned the mirrors... Cleaned the toilets... Scrubbed the shower...

Yes all at 7am...

And I fucking get home and my kitchen is a god damned disaster, the bathroom mirrors are a mess and their are fucking pubes on my fucking bathroom floor that aren't fucking mine.

The roommate and his lady decide to fucking cook a nice god damned extravagant meal.

I am shaking fucking mad and my fucking husband could give two shits... All he says is I fucking missed you and all I want to say is I am out of here...

I fucking hate my life right now... I hate how douchetastic my husband is being... I hate living in my home... I hate be an emotional wreck... and I mostly hate that I don't have the fucking baby that I should have delivered today...

I think I'll vacuum tomorrow at 5am...

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