Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Quick Trip to L&D...

Saturday night I drug Tony into labor and delivery per request of my doctor. Throughout the day I felt very little movement and was quite concerned by nightfall so when I called Dr. Hardas she suggested a trip to Labor & Delivery to be monitored. I now feel like that mom because everything turned out to be ok. I don't really regret going, but I am pretty embarrassed that I was alarmed for nothing. I feel bad for dragging Tony to the ghetto at 11pm. The experience was pretty eye opening though and I am very much afraid of having him as my support person now. I should start by saying nobody is perfect, but I just don't know if I can handle him when I am in pain and here is why:

Walking in the nurse asks "Do you have any other kinds of concerns and he loudly blurts out "Oh she is really gassy" in front on all of Triage to hear... Awesome... Actually, I have not had that particular symptom, but thanks for making a joke about me...

Then they gave me a gown which had no way to close in the back except for at the top of the neck... He of course starts laughing at me and my exposed ass... Awesome Again...

Then, once I get in the bed and hooked up to the monitors and he snaps a picture... Now if you've read my birth plan you know that it is likely that I will shank anyone who takes a photo of me when I am in hospital garb looking like shit and well last night I really did not want my picture taken, but he did anyway and proceeded to tell me that he was going to text people and tell them it was "time" as a joke... Could have shoved that phone right square up his ass...

Finally, silly me, was complaining about how uncomfortable I was so my lovely husband starts to adjust the bed... This sounds helpful, but it is very difficult to do kick counts when the bed is moving up and down and being giggled like mad crazy...

Although everything turned out fine with Charlie, my blood pressure was pretty high and that concerned the nurse a little bit... I have no doubts that this was my husbands fault 100% completely as I never EVER have had any blood pressure issues... I am truly scarred of how the big day is going to go and need to figure out a way to keep my husband occupied while I pop this baby out. I can't handle his humor, I am too hormonal for it all. I now have a new worry...

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