Sunday, September 27, 2009

1 Month and 2 Days

Since I have become a mommy, I also have become a bad blogger.


I will get pictures up soon because I am one of those parents that is convinced my kid is the cutest.

I can't believe one month ago he was just arriving. I sort of feel like an old pro at the parenting thing. I don't feel overly tired and I think I can tell what he wants pretty easily. I stress out about nursing because I feel like I am doing it all of the time and that I am not producing enough. I also stress out when I have visitors because he seems to cry in other people's arms and I hate hearing him cry. We get out of the house frequently because I'd go stir crazy if not but it is always a challenge packing him and his stuff up to go. I have not left him yet nor do I plan on doing so for a little bit longer. The grandparents keep hassling us to leave him, but he is only a month old. Plus, I wouldn't have had kids if I was going to just pawn them off so I could do as I please.

Charlie has his 1 month check-up this week. I am anxious to see how he has grown. He will also be getting a couple of shots this time as well. I am not looking forward to the shots and I think I will let daddy deal with that as I step out of the room.

I am recovering well. I have turned my nose up at that whole 6 week recovery deal. I am feeling like I am ready to be back to my normal self again. I have decided not to return to work until the end of January so I am getting all of that business settled.

That is all for the boring blog update. I swear soon this blog will again contain swearing and all the humor that probably drew you to reading it!

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