Today we had a growth ultrasound. Our little guy is looking good even though it is hard to tell from the pictures we got. Below is one of his face. In real life you can see his chubby little cheeks. I am so excited to kiss those cheeks soon. He currently weighs in at about 7 pounds, 8 ounces. This can be off by a pound or two so I am not investing too much in this number.

The picture below verifies that Charlie is indeed a Charlie and not an Evelyn. This was one of the first shots the tech got so I am assuming our little boy takes after his dad in that he has little modesty.
Everything went pretty well today and I have my weekly appointment tomorrow. The only thing our tech mentioned was that our little man wasn't moving like expected and said to mention it to Dr. Hardas. This bit of information was concerning but she also said that he was "breathing" well and the cord was not around his neck so we'll just wait and see what doc says tomorrow.
Pretty soon you'll have those cheeks to kiss!!! It is amazing, overwhelming and the best experience you'll ever go through!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear your story! Sending best wishes your way!
I'm now struggling with the go back to work or hard! I just look at his little face and I think I just can't do it...I can't!! We'll see.
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