Week 38...FYI: I am updating while I'm waiting for Tony to arrive home with Chinese take out...
Mmmm Egg rolls!
The doctor said I am now dilated 1 cm and we scheduled a growth ultrasound for next Monday! I can hardly wait to see the little guy on the screen, but he needs to stay in for as long as possible. The closer he is born to the first day of school (August 31st), the more I get paid for my sick time and mommy needs a paycheck!
I am still feeling pretty well, but I get tired really quickly and bending over sucks. Lately my big thing has been freezing meals and treats for after Charlie arrives. I have not gotten the cleaning urge yet and I am starting to wonder if I ever will. I have also had this major issue with grumpiness. Sorry Tony... I just have little patience right now and it doesn't take too much to set me off.
This week I have been up to the great task of updating our "budget". I use the term loosely because honestly we don't really live on a budget. Because I have been off for internship and I am trying to determine when to go back to work (6 weeks after delivery or wait until the semester end in January), we need to know where we are at and see what is feasible. Staying out for the semester doesn't look too promising right now, but I am crunching some numbers and seeing where we can cut back easily.
Current To Dos Include:Double check that hospital bags are completely packed and ready to go
Finalize life insurance policy
Complete lesson plans
Get shelves back in nursery (Tony's Task)
Finish shower thank yous
Complete birth announcement address labels
Start/ complete thesis
Get 100 agency internship hours
Last minute shopping for baby
There is more to do, but I really am having trouble focusing on anything but egg rolls right now...
Current Baby Baking Progress:Your baby is producing surfactant, which will help him take those first breaths while you're producing colostrum, the precursor to breast milk. Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long.
Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting
vernix and
lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Meanwhile, your body is tending to its own final touches before the big day, one of which is getting that milk machine up and running. Part of the process is producing
colostrum, a thin yellowish liquid that's the precursor to breast milk. Colostrum is full of antibodies that protect your newborn, and has more protein and less fat and milk sugar (the better to digest it) than the breast milk that arrives later. Chances are you're leaking colostrum so you might want to break out those nursing pads now. If you're not leaking but you are curious about this miracle substance, you can gently squeeze your
areola to express a few drops.