Sunday, August 23, 2009

Preparing to give birth!

Now don't get all excited because I am still closed up tighter than Fort Knox, but many people have asked about how I plan to give birth and if I am choosing to get an epidural or not. Indeed I am getting an epi, (drugs are great!) but some people may not realize that you have to be quite far along before they'll give you one.

Because I am prepared, I have been practicing other strategies to cope until they give my those glorious drugs...

It is swearing...
I love to swear and don't get to do it nearly enough...
You may be giving me the side eye on this technique, but it is researched based...

Check this link out for more information...

I go to see the doctor tomorrow... I will give an update upon returning!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The 23rd...

Dear Charlie,
The 23rd is a great day for a birthday... It is my favorite number!
Love you,

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The good, bad and other...

The good news:
Charlie is doing great. His little heart is ticking away and he seems to be happy and healthy according to Dr. Hardas.

The bad news:
No progress. I am still only dilated to 1cm and nothing has changed in the last three weeks... 1cm is like the size of a Cheerio and 10cm is like the size of a bagel... I am never going to have a baby...

The other news:
She said she would induce around the end of the month so I won't be pregnant forever...
And I can't deliver on August 22nd because the CRIM (a local race) is happening and she will be running in it... Also, the CRIM route makes my hospital impossible to get to because the race basically shuts down all the streets surrounding it...

Also a tip:
Never, EVER go grocery shopping when you are 40 weeks pregnant alone... Groceries are heavy and pee breaks never cease...

Come out baby Charlie... Mommy is no good at being pregnant anymore and she just wants to meet you already!

Friday, August 14, 2009

An Eviction Notice....

Charles Frederick Murphy,
This is your official eviction notice! You need to exit my uterus ASAP! I know that it is comfortable in there, but your daddy and I promise to provide as many cuddles as you need to be comfortable out here. Your room is ready, there is food for you, and you have many, MANY people ready to meet you. If you refuse to exit me, I will be forced to do anything in my power to get you out including vigorous massage of my ankles, eating spicy foods and perhaps even sex as a last resort. It is time... You are ready... We are ready... You need to join us out here ASAP.
Thank you,
Your Loving Mommy

PS: When you do decide to exit, please leave your home in good condition. I may just be crazy enough to rent it out again someday to your future sibling(s)...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A little late...

But I figured I'd post some pictures from my showers. All three of them were wonderful and we got some pretty amazing gifts. We are very blessed to have generous family and friends. I have also posted some other random pictures for your viewing pleasure!

Here are a couple from the shower my mom threw for me...

Me, My Mom and Grandpa

The Hubby and I

Me and my BFFs

Here is one from the shower that his mom and sis threw for us...
Yes... We wore the same thing to both... Finding a dress is a PITA and I insist that my husband's attire complements my attire for events like this :)

And here is a picture of Tony at our baby class... He diapered our bear very well and so I have high hopes that he will do great when Charlie arrives!

And even though this is unrelated...
Here is a picture of Tony and I on our 3rd Anniversary in Canada (July 8th, 2009)!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A lazy baby...

Ladies and Gents, we have a lazy baby on our hands!

His lack of movement not only concerns myself, but also my doctor. Dr. Hardas said that everything looks great with Charlie (blood flow, fluid level, cord condition, etc.) but she is concerned and now has me doing kick counts 3x's per day. If I don't get 10 movements in one hour, I have to drink something sweet and cold and try again, if I still don't count 10 movements within an hour, I am to go to the hospital ASAP. She said she is not going to take any chances and that she would deliver if there is low movement because she doesn't want to take any chances. I am still only dilated 1 cm and my cervix is posterior. No progress since last week... Also, she thinks that my due date is more likely to be the 24th as opposed to the 17th... Errrr... Even though it is only a week extra, I feel a little crabby about getting time added. Oh well, this baby will come when he is ready and not a moment before then. Plus, this means that I will likely get to use more paid vacation time. Woot!

I am slowly trudging through the lesson planning and Tony has put the shelves back in the closet... Day by day we are getting ready to meet our little guy!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ultrasound Update

Today we had a growth ultrasound. Our little guy is looking good even though it is hard to tell from the pictures we got. Below is one of his face. In real life you can see his chubby little cheeks. I am so excited to kiss those cheeks soon. He currently weighs in at about 7 pounds, 8 ounces. This can be off by a pound or two so I am not investing too much in this number.

The picture below verifies that Charlie is indeed a Charlie and not an Evelyn. This was one of the first shots the tech got so I am assuming our little boy takes after his dad in that he has little modesty.

Everything went pretty well today and I have my weekly appointment tomorrow. The only thing our tech mentioned was that our little man wasn't moving like expected and said to mention it to Dr. Hardas. This bit of information was concerning but she also said that he was "breathing" well and the cord was not around his neck so we'll just wait and see what doc says tomorrow.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Quick Trip to L&D...

Saturday night I drug Tony into labor and delivery per request of my doctor. Throughout the day I felt very little movement and was quite concerned by nightfall so when I called Dr. Hardas she suggested a trip to Labor & Delivery to be monitored. I now feel like that mom because everything turned out to be ok. I don't really regret going, but I am pretty embarrassed that I was alarmed for nothing. I feel bad for dragging Tony to the ghetto at 11pm. The experience was pretty eye opening though and I am very much afraid of having him as my support person now. I should start by saying nobody is perfect, but I just don't know if I can handle him when I am in pain and here is why:

Walking in the nurse asks "Do you have any other kinds of concerns and he loudly blurts out "Oh she is really gassy" in front on all of Triage to hear... Awesome... Actually, I have not had that particular symptom, but thanks for making a joke about me...

Then they gave me a gown which had no way to close in the back except for at the top of the neck... He of course starts laughing at me and my exposed ass... Awesome Again...

Then, once I get in the bed and hooked up to the monitors and he snaps a picture... Now if you've read my birth plan you know that it is likely that I will shank anyone who takes a photo of me when I am in hospital garb looking like shit and well last night I really did not want my picture taken, but he did anyway and proceeded to tell me that he was going to text people and tell them it was "time" as a joke... Could have shoved that phone right square up his ass...

Finally, silly me, was complaining about how uncomfortable I was so my lovely husband starts to adjust the bed... This sounds helpful, but it is very difficult to do kick counts when the bed is moving up and down and being giggled like mad crazy...

Although everything turned out fine with Charlie, my blood pressure was pretty high and that concerned the nurse a little bit... I have no doubts that this was my husbands fault 100% completely as I never EVER have had any blood pressure issues... I am truly scarred of how the big day is going to go and need to figure out a way to keep my husband occupied while I pop this baby out. I can't handle his humor, I am too hormonal for it all. I now have a new worry...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Update

Week 38...

FYI: I am updating while I'm waiting for Tony to arrive home with Chinese take out... Mmmm Egg rolls!

The doctor said I am now dilated 1 cm and we scheduled a growth ultrasound for next Monday! I can hardly wait to see the little guy on the screen, but he needs to stay in for as long as possible. The closer he is born to the first day of school (August 31st), the more I get paid for my sick time and mommy needs a paycheck!

I am still feeling pretty well, but I get tired really quickly and bending over sucks. Lately my big thing has been freezing meals and treats for after Charlie arrives. I have not gotten the cleaning urge yet and I am starting to wonder if I ever will. I have also had this major issue with grumpiness. Sorry Tony... I just have little patience right now and it doesn't take too much to set me off.

This week I have been up to the great task of updating our "budget". I use the term loosely because honestly we don't really live on a budget. Because I have been off for internship and I am trying to determine when to go back to work (6 weeks after delivery or wait until the semester end in January), we need to know where we are at and see what is feasible. Staying out for the semester doesn't look too promising right now, but I am crunching some numbers and seeing where we can cut back easily.

Current To Dos Include:
Double check that hospital bags are completely packed and ready to go
Finalize life insurance policy
Complete lesson plans
Get shelves back in nursery (Tony's Task)
Finish shower thank yous
Complete birth announcement address labels
Start/ complete thesis
Get 100 agency internship hours
Last minute shopping for baby
There is more to do, but I really am having trouble focusing on anything but egg rolls right now...

Current Baby Baking Progress:
Your baby is producing surfactant, which will help him take those first breaths while you're producing colostrum, the precursor to breast milk. Hey, your little one isn't so little anymore, weighing close to seven pounds and measuring 20 inches long. Fetal development is nearly complete as your baby tends to a few last-minute details like shedding the skin-protecting vernix and lanugo. He's also producing more surfactant, a substance that prevents the air sacs in his lungs from sticking to one another once he starts to breathe. Meanwhile, your body is tending to its own final touches before the big day, one of which is getting that milk machine up and running. Part of the process is producing colostrum, a thin yellowish liquid that's the precursor to breast milk. Colostrum is full of antibodies that protect your newborn, and has more protein and less fat and milk sugar (the better to digest it) than the breast milk that arrives later. Chances are you're leaking colostrum so you might want to break out those nursing pads now. If you're not leaking but you are curious about this miracle substance, you can gently squeeze your areola to express a few drops.