Sunday, April 26, 2009

Weekly Update...

According to the adjusted ultrasound, I will be 24 weeks tomorrow!

I can't help but reiterate the fact that I am just so grateful to be this far along.

My next doctor's appointment is May 4th (I think)... At this appointment I will get the glucose test and I am certain that my doctor will be a little disappointed that I still have not gained any weight...

Lately, I have been craving BBQ and of course sweets. I have also been urinating obscenely frequently during the night...

Also, April's to do list is almost done as well as much of May's.

Order Furniture (Done)
Deep Clean Nursery (Done)
Finish Installing Trim (Done)
Touch Up Paint (Done)
Register for Hospital Classes (In Progress)

Start Registry (Done)
Find Pediatrician (In Progress)
Complete Pre-Admission Hospital Paperwork (In Progress)

Now... If I could only be this productive on my thesis project I might actually have a chance of graduating in August...

Anyway... Back to baby stuff...

The nursery is coming along swimmingly. I will post pictures soon...
These projects are done mostly because of Tony's hard work. I know that it is early to do all of this, but he had time and I like looking at it because it makes me happy to know that in 16 short weeks a baby may actually be occupying the space.

At 24 weeks along, our baby is over 12 ½ inches long and weighs 1¼ to 1½ pounds. He or She is gaining steadily at a rate of six ounces per week. Much of that weight comes from accumulating baby fat, as well as from growing organs, bones, and muscle. By now, that fabulous face is almost fully formed, complete with eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair.

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