Our baby attended his/her first concert. Our little one's ears were treated to the musical talents of the Eagles. I purchased these very expensive tickets for Tony's birthday back in February. We had an awesome time and the concert was amazing!
We celebrated my birthday with my family... It was awesome because I got to spend time with my adorable nephews and my great family.
Today is my big day... I love my birthday because it is my own personal holiday. Unfortunately Tony had class, but being the amazing husband he is, he sent me flowers at school today. I love him so much!
Awwww Ames!!!
So sweet!
I can't wait for the BIG DAY!!!
Miss you!
First of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Second, those babies are adorable!!And third...the big ultrasound is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!! Are you going to find out the sex of the little one?
Can you believe how fast time is flying...pretty soon (if you haven't already, you'll feel the thumps of your little one--it's amazing).
Best wishes!
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