Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's a...

Stubborn baby!

Today was the big ultrasound day...

Everything looked good, but the little one was being stubborn again and wouldn't show the goods...

I hope that when our little one is a teen, he or she keeps their legs this tightly crossed...

I have a doctor's appointment on Monday so we'll get a better update on everything ultrasound related...

The heart rate was a strong 145... It was 137 on Thursday...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

19 Weeks

A little late on the weekly update!While your baby is continuing to grow, the development that is occurring is very specific. For example, the kidneys are making urine, and hair is beginning to sprout on his/her scalp. The parts of the brain that are responsible for the senses are specializing. If you are having a baby girl, she already has 6 million eggs formed in her ovaries.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

What a day!

My morning started in a shitty, shitty way...

I hit a fucking deer on my way into work... The Beetle survived with a little bruise here and there and I am fine, but I started freaking out about the little one who is living in my ute...
So a quick call to the doctor got me a noon appointment with the awesome Dr. Hardas... She found a strong little heartbeat, but she could tell I was still not convinced that everything was okay so she sent me for an ultrasound...

I promptly filled my bladder with gallons of water and we were off to get my belly mooshed. We got to see about a billion pictures of our little one and everything seems normal and in place.
Here he/she is!
We still will have our big ultrasound on Tuesday and I am still as excited as ever to see the little one again.
This is finally feeling real.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Saturday, Sunday and Monday...

Our baby attended his/her first concert. Our little one's ears were treated to the musical talents of the Eagles. I purchased these very expensive tickets for Tony's birthday back in February. We had an awesome time and the concert was amazing!

We celebrated my birthday with my family... It was awesome because I got to spend time with my adorable nephews and my great family.


Today is my big day... I love my birthday because it is my own personal holiday. Unfortunately Tony had class, but being the amazing husband he is, he sent me flowers at school today. I love him so much!

Only 7 more day until the big ultrasound!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Week 18...

Holy shit! There is something the size of a sweet potato in my uterus!
A protective covering called myelin is beginning to form around baby's nerves. This covering will continue to form up until your baby’s first birthday. If you are having a little girl, her fallopian tubes and uterus have positioned themselves into the correct place. If you are having a little boy, then his genitals may be noticed on your next ultrasound. However, many babies do not like to cooperate during the ultrasound, and the genitals cannot be seen.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Computer Geeks Unite!

For the next two days I am at a total computer geek conference... I love being able to sleep in, but I miss being by my husband.

I also have a bad case of the pregnancy brain... I really can't concentrate on the sessions... Instead I am checking out baby related websites and blogging...

Lunch is soon... Peanut is hungry!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Week 17

What's going on with the baby?

His/her umbilical cord is not only lengthening but also becoming thicker and stronger for these last 23 weeks. Your baby’s sense of hearing is also developing since the ears have fully formed and moved into their final position.

Your baby is also beginning to form adipose or fat tissue. This will help him/her take on a more normal appearance by filling out the fine features that he/she has. Fat is important in helping regulate the body’s temperature and metabolism.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am home today for a sick day... I hate being sick on sick days... I have this gunk that makes it hard to breath through my nose... Which makes it hard to breath through my mouth... Which makes me really tired and gives me a sore throat and a nasty little cough...


Sick + Me = An ornery, tired, non work attending, pregnant lady

I have now slept for 12 straight hour and can't sleep anymore right now, so I have be cruising the net...

I love this set from target for a girl... And this is super cute for a boy... But we'll probably end up with this gender neutral set because of my practical side...

Plus I want to be able to show off the nursery before our bundle arrives and since we are not telling what we are having, pick a gendered bedding set would be a dead give away...

Also, I have felt the first movements!
17 weeks tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nursery Furniture

I may have found the nursery furniture!

Check it out by clicking here!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Woosh, Woosh, Woosh!

Today I had a doctor's appointment and my mom and I got to hear the heartbeat. I am so glad I could share this day with my mom. She is awesome!

Today was such a relief! I can't wait to peek at the little one at my March 31st ultrasound!

Tomorrow I will let my students find out my secret. The one little girl who saw my early ultrasound by accident has been dying to spill this secret for the last 10 weeks...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Perfect Day...

My day has been perfect...

This morning Tony made me breakfast in bed... Then he cleaned up the mess!

I snoozed the morning away until it was time to head to Tony parents' place for an early dinner.

When I arrived, I was bombarded with hugs and hello's for the little one sprouting inside of me. My sweet little nephew was very protective, lecturing his dad not to hurt the baby by squeezing me too hard. Dinner was amazing... Seriously. My mother-in-law is an amazing cook! It is just so nice that his family and I get along so well. I know our little guy/ gal is going to be so loved by these people and I am so blessed to have them in my life.

When we got home later, I climbed into our cuddly bed and snoozed for a short time. When I woke up I had a major craving for Skittles... Tony promptly proceeded to help me with that by driving to the store and getting me those fruity little delicious pieces of heaven...

A perfect day indeed!

This week is a big week.

Tomorrow I have a check-up... Hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat again for a little assurance.

Also, March 10th marks the date the I was due during my second pregnancy... This will be hard, but I am hopeful that I am well on my way to motherhood.

I am so blessed to be progressing and I'll update tomorrow...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Week 16...

Your baby is preparing himself/herself for a growth spurt over the next several weeks. Your baby’s head is more erect now than it has been in the previous weeks of pregnancy. His/her ears and eyes are situated in their final positions. These three things are giving your baby a more “normal” appearance than he/she has had up to this point.

Several of the more complicated body systems are also beginning to function including your child’s urinary and circulatory system. Your baby’s heart pumps around 25 quarts of blood per day. However, by week 40 this amount will increase to 1,900 quarts per day!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

