We, well actually Tony (I can never really see that stuff on ultrasound so I'll have to trust him and the ultrasound tech), saw a heartbeat today!
According to our ultrasound we are due on August 25th which makes me 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant...
We will have another ultrasound next Wednesday to assess the development...
I am still having spotting here and there so I am using progesterone gel and they found that I have Lupus Anticoagulant. This is some sort of clotting disorder which made have made me lose the last two pregnancies. Basically I have to continue taking baby aspirin and I should be okay. They may prescribe Lovenox to treat this issue... We should hear about this later today or tomorrow...
We have never seen a heartbeat... This is so exciting and scary at the same time...
Listen To This: Eyes On You!
6 years ago