Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Gone, Going, Gone...

Just as we suspected, this pregnancy is gone. Well actually going... I am waiting to miscarry. Yesterday the ultrasound showed a non-progressing pregnancy. The doctor started talking about my "options", but none of them included having a beautiful baby in my arms in March. I cannot express how sad I am. I don't feel like getting out of bed or talking to anyone. Even Tony's hugs can't fix this. I am so out of it. I find myself doing things but not remembering... It feels like there is a lump of emotion inside of me that no amount of crying can push out. People say "It will happen", "You're young", "It is for the best", "At least you can get pregnant" and I want to tell them to Fuck off... Really, if you don't know what to say in a situation, stick with "I am sorry".

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