Tuesday, March 25, 2008

An Emotional Roller Coaster

My levels were 16... This would be normal levels for someone who is about maybe 3 or 4 weeks along but not 6 weeks. I will get my blood drawn again tomorrow to see if this number increases. I hope that I am really just ignorant about my cycles and that the numbers increases as expected. If they don't increase, this is probably a chemical pregnancy. I really am an emotional wreck and my poor husband probably wants to bash me over the head. On a more promising note, the doctor did an internal exam and said that my cervix was closed and it is usually open for someone who is experiencing a miscarriage. We shall wait to see what happens...

The spotting has continued a little so I again called Dr. Hardas. She has been absolutely wonderful! She said that I should get an ultrasound immediately. During the ultrasound there was nothing... This might happen if I was really early, but since my last period was February 10th , I should be about 6 weeks along. Because there was nothing on the ultrasound, I was sent to get my blood drawn to check my beta levels. I was given an appointment for early Tuesday to discuss the results.

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