Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We are having a girl! I am so excited! Today we got to see her wiggle and move around via ultrasound. She is perfect and healthy and we could not be happier! I am practicing tons of self control by not buying every cute girl thing in sight. Etsy is the devil...

Evelyn Elizabeth, you are going to be one well dresses gal!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hmmm... That's strange...

Lately things have just been strange...

Before, when I was pregnant, it was so different...

Only Tony touched my belly last time and maybe my mom once...
Now keep in mind, I am a big girl, so generally that area is off limits.
But this time, people have already touched my belly and I am kinda heebed out by it.
It happened, no lie, like 3 times this weekend by non-husband/mom people.
I feel very invaded. It is just strange.