Tuesday, October 27, 2009

9 Weeks...

The little man has been in our lives for two months and everyday I fall more and more in love with him. He is cooing and smiling so much now, but I have yet to capture his grin in a photo. He doesn't sleep through the night, but he does really well at going back to sleep after feeding him. Our days are spent cuddling each other and visiting the grandparents. I love seeing the new little things he does each day before anyone else. He is so much more alert now, so we are always talking, singing and playing goofy games that make him smile. I am so glad I took work off until January, although the thought of leaving him even then makes me so sad. I can't even leave him for a few hours yet because I am so attached. He will visit the pediatrician for his two month appointment next week and I can't wait to see how much he has grown. He is just perfect and makes me melt every time I see his little face.

Okay enough...

I know my blog has turned into gushy mushy parent talk...

Someday maybe I'll write a witty post about poop or something, but for now...

Some pictures!

2 Months Old Today!
Mr. October

Happy Halloween!

Playing in the leaves...

So Sleepy!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Call me crazy...

It may be the lack of sleep or maybe the spit-up fumes have gotten to me, but I want another baby ASAP! Call me crazy, but I love being a mom. LOVE IT. It is better than I could have ever imagined and everyday is such a blessing. I have so much love for this little guy and I have no doubts that if we are blessed with another, my love will be just as strong. I truly feel fulfilled.