Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Some pictures of the first month...

One month today!

First tub bath

First trip to the beach where mommy and daddy got engaged

Our screech owl


Our little chubby cubby

Pissed off!

Pissed off again at his first doctor's appointment...
(Don't worry Charlie Baby, I too cry when I am getting weighed)

Going home from the hospital (looking kind of like a girl with those mittens)...

Baby Feet

Our new family!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

1 Month and 2 Days

Since I have become a mommy, I also have become a bad blogger.


I will get pictures up soon because I am one of those parents that is convinced my kid is the cutest.

I can't believe one month ago he was just arriving. I sort of feel like an old pro at the parenting thing. I don't feel overly tired and I think I can tell what he wants pretty easily. I stress out about nursing because I feel like I am doing it all of the time and that I am not producing enough. I also stress out when I have visitors because he seems to cry in other people's arms and I hate hearing him cry. We get out of the house frequently because I'd go stir crazy if not but it is always a challenge packing him and his stuff up to go. I have not left him yet nor do I plan on doing so for a little bit longer. The grandparents keep hassling us to leave him, but he is only a month old. Plus, I wouldn't have had kids if I was going to just pawn them off so I could do as I please.

Charlie has his 1 month check-up this week. I am anxious to see how he has grown. He will also be getting a couple of shots this time as well. I am not looking forward to the shots and I think I will let daddy deal with that as I step out of the room.

I am recovering well. I have turned my nose up at that whole 6 week recovery deal. I am feeling like I am ready to be back to my normal self again. I have decided not to return to work until the end of January so I am getting all of that business settled.

That is all for the boring blog update. I swear soon this blog will again contain swearing and all the humor that probably drew you to reading it!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

3 Weeks

Holy Hannah!

Time flies...

Little guy is almost a month old!

He is starting to become more aware of his surroundings. He knows his momma and I love that I am just about the only one who can get him happy as soon as he hits my arms. His daddy continues to be amazing by helping us do just about everything I need on top of working so I can stay home with our little guy.

I don't feel sleep deprived because my little one goes to bed around 11:30 after eating and a diaper change and wakes around 5am for a quick (30 minutes) snack and another diaper change then back to sleep until 8ish. He just finally got his first bath in the tub and loved it. I'll post pictures soon... I love him so much. He is such a good baby.

Our up north trip went great. We drove all the way through because he slept the whole time. We even fit all of the baby paraphernalia for the weekend in my VW Bettle.

This week we have discovered baby wearing. I got my wrap from the Etsy store Lovely Duds and the minute I put my little guy in he was soothed. I get so much done now that he is contently snuggled close.

He is truly a dream come true and we are so blessed.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Guess what?

My baby is gaining weight! This means my boobs are doing their job! He weighed 8 pounds 2 ounces at his 1 week appointment and 8 pounds 12 ounces at his two week appointment.

We are heading up north this weekend out of necessity not pleasure. I am not fond of traveling 3.5 hours with a newborn and all of his belonging in my VW Beetle, but we'll be alright I am sure.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Almost 2 weeks...

Now that my child has been lulled asleep to the sounds of Run DMC and Aerosmith's "Walk This Way" I have a free hand to blog.

Life with a baby is amazing.

I hate that there are people that deserve this and are struggling. I pray every day that God keeps my baby safe and that those struggling couples get to experience this. I am so blessed. One year ago I was morning my second loss, now I am snuggling the love of my life.

Charlie has had endless visitors. He is such a popular man especially among the grandparents. I am happy to report that we have successfully kept this little guy alive for almost two weeks. He is nursing fairly well and on Thursday, hopefully, we'll learn that he is growing well as he has his 2nd visit to the pediatrician. The first visit was rough on me. He hadn't gained any weight and I felt horrible because I am nursing exclusively. The doctor assured us this was normal, but I still felt like shit. Our baby sleeps very well. He only wakes up once or twice in the night. At first he stayed awake all night earning the title of Mommy's Little Owl, but he has since figured things out and kept the Owl nickname because he screeches like a little owl.
I am recovering very well. You could barley tell that almost two weeks ago, I had major surgery. Stairs are hard and by night I am moving slow, but I feel great. I love that I will never have to go through labor ever again because I had a c-section and will need to deliver this way in any subsequent pregnancies.

My little man just shit so loud that he woke himself up so I need to take care of business, but I will leave you with a couple cute pictures of our baby bear.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Birth of Charlie!

For those few and faithful blog readers, I am sorry I haven't updated. Last Monday at my scheduled doctor appointment Charlie decided to be a little lazy and not move during his ultrasound so my doctor decided to induce me. I went straight from the appointment to the hospital. Throughout the rest of the day, I was given a drug to soften my cervix and prepare it for labor because I was still high and only dilated to 1 cm. Bright and early Tuesday, I showered and then was put on Pitocin. Pitocin is the devil in every way and someday I will blog about that, but since I only have a few minutes, I will stick to the basics. Anyway, I labored for 3 hours without the epidural and then couldn't take it anymore. The epidural worked for the first two hours, but then started to become ineffective so I defaulted to cursing to ease the pain. Tony was AMAZING through all of this because he just let me do what I needed to do. The cursing did not help the pain, but one amazing nurse suggested I get on all fours and this position made labor bearable. At 6:30 pm I was checked again and I had only dilated to 5cm. Because Charlie looked like he might be in distress, my doctor decided to do a c-section. I was so incredibly scarred to have a c-section, but it was clear that it was the best decision at that point.

Things moved really quickly after the decision to section was made. At 7:04pm our beautiful boy Charlie was born weight in at a whooping 9 pounds 2 ounces and 21.25 inches long. He is perfect in every way. Tony stayed with Charlie after delivery and I went to recovery. Charlie and I got to see my in recovery because he had low blood sugar and I insisted that no bottles be given so I could establish breastfeeding.

Recovery was rough. It was so difficult to move the first few days, but by the third day I was able to move quite well. We stayed in the hospital until Friday and we are now adjusting to life at home. My baby boy is perfect in every way and we are so in love. Breastfeeding is going pretty well and adjusting to life as a mom has been pretty smooth with a couple of bumps along the way. Tony has been the best husband ever and I love and appreciate him so much more than I ever have. I have so much more I want to write, but Grandma is visiting and I have to clean up my house at least a little bit.

Us after I was first admitted

Charlie right after he was born

Charlie all ready to go home!