For those few and faithful blog readers, I am sorry I haven't updated. Last Monday at my scheduled doctor appointment Charlie decided to be a little lazy and not move during his ultrasound so my doctor decided to induce me. I went straight from the appointment to the hospital. Throughout the rest of the day, I was given a drug to soften my cervix and prepare it for labor because I was still high and only dilated to 1 cm. Bright and early Tuesday, I showered and then was put on Pitocin. Pitocin is the devil in every way and someday I will blog about that, but since I only have a few minutes, I will stick to the basics. Anyway, I labored for 3 hours without the epidural and then couldn't take it anymore. The epidural worked for the first two hours, but then started to become ineffective so I defaulted to cursing to ease the pain. Tony was AMAZING through all of this because he just let me do what I needed to do. The cursing did not help the pain, but one amazing nurse suggested I get on all fours and this position made labor bearable. At 6:30 pm I was checked again and I had only dilated to 5cm. Because Charlie looked like he might be in distress, my doctor decided to do a c-section. I was so incredibly scarred to have a c-section, but it was clear that it was the best decision at that point.
Things moved really quickly after the decision to section was made. At 7:04pm our beautiful boy Charlie was born weight in at a whooping 9 pounds 2 ounces and 21.25 inches long. He is perfect in every way. Tony stayed with Charlie after delivery and I went to recovery. Charlie and I got to see my in recovery because he had low blood sugar and I insisted that no bottles be given so I could establish breastfeeding.
Recovery was rough. It was so difficult to move the first few days, but by the third day I was able to move quite well. We stayed in the hospital until Friday and we are now adjusting to life at home. My baby boy is perfect in every way and we are so in love. Breastfeeding is going pretty well and adjusting to life as a mom has been pretty smooth with a couple of bumps along the way. Tony has been the best husband ever and I love and appreciate him so much more than I ever have. I have so much more I want to write, but Grandma is visiting and I have to clean up my house at least a little bit.
Us after I was first admitted

Charlie right after he was born
Charlie all ready to go home!