Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Two Things...
My husband is the best ever... (Yesterday not so much, but today totally...)
I decided I wanted super cold milk for dinner, but we were out, so super hubby stopped by the store and brought a gallon and I promptly put it in the freezer... Fast forward to 30 minutes later... I go to get the gallon out of the freezer and it drops on the floor and the gallon splits in half...
Thanks Gorilla Bear for cleaning it up... Even behind the fridge and stove... And thanks for not getting mad... And the biggest thanks for going out and getting another gallon of milk for dinner...
It is the small things that show me how much you really love me.
Monday, May 25, 2009
It has been awhile...
Only 9 more wake up days for school then it will finally be summer. I am so ready to be out of that place... Several things have recently left me jaded in regards to work. The first being that I will be teaching yearbook class next year. This class is a horrible assignment for me because it takes so much time out of school hours. What a great teaching assignment to give a new mom... Also, because I did my 700 hour internship this semester, I will not be eligible for FMLA. This means that when my baby is a month and a half old he will be staying at a daycare. Fucking AWESOME...
On a better note, only one more week-end of Masters classes. I will hit the thesis project hard after school gets out and I still have to find another 100 hour agency internship site before the baby comes.
Speaking of babies... I am now 28 weeks along. The little guy (yes guy) is squirming all over and kicking my bladder like crazy. I have recently sprung a leak also... Weirdness... I am sure there is more weirdness to come, but still... Weirdness. Our baby is approximately weighs in now at 2.2 pounds and is 14.8 inches. Our baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, our baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week his brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week. The development of hair also continues. Eyebrows and eyelashes are visible, while the hair on your baby’s head grows even longer. Your baby is also starting to look a little rounder as the fat storage under the skin continues to develop. This is an important part of development that will continue through the remainder of your pregnancy.
Third Trimester... Here I come...
Hormones you can promptly show yourself to the door...
In other news.. Happy Memorial Day! I hope you all had a great long weekend!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
A Big Day...
This is from our bed and breakfast vacation during spring break in April... Aside from shower pictures, this may be one of the only pregnant pictures I take...
This stuff is gross, but I am so relieved to not have gestational diabetes...
Superman Ice Cream... HERE I COME!
Changing Table/ Dresser Combo
The Diaper Cake was made by my awesome classmates from CMU!
Rocking and Reading Area
I have a book shelf coming soon and we will be hanging the paper lanterns (seen in the closet) in this area!
The Convertible Crib
The Closet...
The wicker basket full of goodies is also from my CMU classmates.
The red bin is FULL of awesome stuff from my brothers, their wives and my nephews for mothers day! They are seriously the best ever! I am so blessed to have them as my family.
These are the books that I have been reading to our little one every night...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
15 Weeks...
Pictures are coming soon... I promise!