Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonderful Week 15...

Your baby’s skin is very thin, and his/her blood vessels can actually be seen through the skin. Your baby’s ears are continuing to develop externally and continue to look more like normal ears. Your baby’s eyes are continuing to move towards the nose from the sides of his/her head. The baby’s bones are beginning to ossify, which means that if an x-ray was taken the skeleton would be visible. Babies at this age have also been caught sucking their thumbs on ultrasound pictures.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I want sweets...

I don't want fruit...
I don't want veggies...
I don't want milk...

I just want sweets...

Of course I am eating my fruits, veggies and milk, but I'd rather have a cupcake...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Monumental Moment

A monumental moment has occurred...

Over the weekend I brought my first pair of maternity pants...

I probably could have waited another week or two, but honestly my old pants were just getting uncomfortable...

I really haven't gained weight yet, but my body has been changing... My hips and tummy have expanded and the girls have gotten slightly bigger... I know I won't show like my pregnant skinny counterparts, but I am excited that I finally can be content with letting my body be just the way it is...

Friday, February 20, 2009

An early weekly update...

I am updating early because tomorrow, after school, Tony and I are heading up north to the cabin for a much needed get-a-way.

2nd Trimester... Woot!
Your little boy or girl has fully developed sex organs by this week, although they're still difficult to see through ultrasound. He's 3 inches long and weighs an ounce and a half, give or take a few grams. Now that the major systems are in place, the fetus will start to grow at an amazing rate. In the next month or so, he'll triple in length and reach the impressive weight of 1 pound.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

100 Days Pregnant...

What an awesome feeling to be 100 days pregnant. I am so blessed right now and so happy. I am also paranoid. I feel like something is going to go wrong. I try to shake these feelings, but it is hard to do because I just can't believe that I am this lucky. I can't believe that I might be a mom soon.

Okay enough about baby talk... It has been a while since I did a true update on life's events...

My brothers and their wives are wonderful parents. It is awesome to watch them with their new little boys. Both little guys are doing great and they are so cute and kissable.

My internship is in full swing... Unpaid and everything. I really love it. It is great to be away from the classroom and I know that I could do this for a long time.

Being unpaid is stressful... Tony's job is stable for now, but he is an engineer in the auto industry, so we never know if it is safe for sure.

I did save almost $12,000 expecting to take time off for my 6 month internship, but what I didn't expect is to go on maternity leave after that time... So much for planning. We'll make it. We just will have to cut back a little.

I miss wine... Specifically champagne... It is so worth it though...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

An Aunt x 2...

Yesterday at 5:48pm Brock Stephen was born. He was 7lbs. 4 ounces and has soft blond hair. His fingers are long and his toes are short and stubby (just like his awesome Aunt Amy's toes), but the best thing of all is that he has the perfect little cheeks for smooching!

Mom, Dad and Baby are doing fine...

Grandmas & Grandpas are pumped to have the new addition!

Friday, February 13, 2009

13 Weeks... And...

First the And... I am going to be an aunt again today! Miah (My oldest brother) and Jen are at the hospital and I am anixously awaiting their news!

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.

Monday, February 9, 2009


As this pregnancy progresses, I am just so happy and thankful that I have this blessing. I am elated to be pregnant.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Update... (Demanded by the new ultrasound date...)

Now measuring between 2 and 3 inches from crown to rump, the fetus is busily doing his stretching and kicking exercises. All major organs are in place, and his brain, nerves, and muscles are starting to function. Although his gender was determined at conception, external genitalia won't fully develop for another couple of weeks. At that point, a sonogram may be able to show whether you're carrying a boy or a girl--if your baby will cooperate and face the camera!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ultrasound News...

The baby is growing! According to today's ultrasound, I am now due on August 21st, but I know that baby will be coming on August 23rd for all of you that may be interested! I tried to do some fancy labeling and editing, but my laptop hates me right now, so on the right hand side you can see our little one's (girl's) head and on the left side you can see her body... It is fuzzy, but it is still a beautiful sight... I can't believe I am this blessed to be expecting... We are so lucky!

Update... My laptop is no longer being naughty...

Monday, February 2, 2009

11 Weeks...

Your baby’s head accounts for almost half of his/her entire length. Both the fingers and the toes have separated by week 11. The baby’s skin is still very transparent, but his/her bones are beginning to harden. The external genitalia have almost completely formed, and in several weeks you might be able to know if you are having a boy or a girl. Even though you cannot feel your baby moving around, he/she is very active.

Two exciting things:
Cyrus is home!

Tomorrow is the ultrasound!
I hope that I can keep doing these weekly updates...
I will be so crushed if the news is bleak...
I'll let you know!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I knew I'd Jinx Myself...

I have totally been hit by exhaustion, but that has been my only real symptom (aside from the hormonal hoopla) to prove that I am pregnant... That is, up until today... I forgot how much I truly hate to vomit... I feel like I have been hit by a bus... I hope this passes ASAP...

In other news... Cy is getting ready to come home.. My bet is that he will be home tomorrow... I can't wait to hold him and I know his parents are more than ready to have him home, so I am keeping my fingers crossed...

I also am done teaching for the year... I will be starting my school counseling internship for the remainder of the year... This will bring me one step closer to that coveted Masters degree... Woot.. Except for the no pay part (More on that later, I am sure...)

Ultrasound on Tuesday...

Busy Week...

I update soon!