My last miscarriage left me pretty jaded on the whole baby-making deal, but I am getting used to the idea of trying again...
I personally would be okay with the adoption option, but Tony is not so keen on the idea so I have a follow up appointment on Oct. 13 in which testing options will be discussed...
I still have not gotten my period yet and it has been 42 days since the whole ordeal started. I am trying to be patient with my body, but I feel like it is betraying me again by not moving on already...
I got to see my niece or nephew via ultrasound today...
So proud to be an aunt...
So sad to not be a mom...
I carry pain in my heart still and I am afraid it will never leave...
Little helps, but the busyness of life has been a good escape...
I will call a counselor later this week. I have to get in some hours for my Master's program, so I may as well use the time for something important. I feel so disappointed with myself because I can't just get over it...
Listen To This: Eyes On You!
6 years ago